These items come as a pair, and are normally placed approximately 8-10" (20-25 cm) apart on the left side of the belt. The pugio scabbard is then attached to the projecting discs via leather tabs or thongs.

The purchase price includes hinged installation onto belt plates, which are purchased separately. If you would like for me to add hangers to belt plates made by someone else, please email to see if there will be a price increase, as some plates require extra work. Pictures of your plates are very helpful in such a case.

These hangers are of a "generic" style, and are based on several examples from Vindonissa. The pics are of a prototype pair which is a little sloppy. I will upload pics of a "good" pair when I build some more. I also hope to make other styles in the future.

Shown in nickel-silver attached to my Mk I plates:

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